php class naming

php class naming

php class naming

There are several rules for class naming in PHP that help ensure code is readable and understandable.

Class names must start with a capital letter. For example: MyClass, Order, User, etc.

Class names must be written in CamelCase style, where the first word starts with a capital letter and each following word starts with a capital letter without spaces, underscores, or other characters. For example: ShoppingCart, CustomerOrder, etc.

Use clear and descriptive class names that reflect the purpose of the class. For example, if you are creating a class to work with a database, name it Database or DbHandler, if you are creating a class to work with a shopping cart, name it ShoppingCart.

Avoid overly long class names, as this can make the code less readable. Avoid too short names as they can be uninformative and difficult to understand.

If you are using namespaces, make sure the class names match their location in the namespace hierarchy. For example, if you create a class in the MyProject\Utils namespace, name it UtilsClass.

Avoid using PHP reserved words as class names like "array", "string", "object", etc.

When creating interfaces and abstract classes, use the "Interface" and "Abstract" prefixes, respectively. For example, an interface might be called DatabaseInterface, an abstract class might be called AbstractProduct.

Avoid using abbreviations in class names unless they are obvious and follow established conventions. For example, avoid "Mgr" for "Manager", "Ctrl" for "Controller", etc.

When choosing a class name, you should be guided by the naming conventions and standards adopted in the project. It is important to choose a clear, descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the class and is easy to read and understand for other developers.